Family owned and operated business

Who Can Benefit from Instant Grassification?

Are you embarrassed by your dull and lifeless yard? Don’t fret! With our instant grassification service, we can transform your lawn and landscape into a lush and vibrant oasis, just in time for your family BBQ. Learn more about this popular service and whether you fall under the list of who can benefit from instant grassification.


The Maintenance Hater

Does the thought of mowing your lawn, adjusting the sprinklers, trimming the hedges, and seeding your grass feel painful to you? If so, you likely fall under our maintenance-hater category. This means you’d rather have someone else do it for you, no matter what. This also means you’re the perfect candidate for grassification because once we install your instant lawn, it’s hassle-free with little to no maintenance! And if you choose artificial turf, you’ll never have to mow, fertilize, or water your lawn again.


The Green Thumb

Environmentally conscious people can also benefit from instant grassification. For one, synthetic lawns are made from environmentally-friendly materials and require no pesticides or fertilizers to keep them looking lush. You will end up using resources way fewer resources to upkeep this kind of lawn as opposed to a real one. If you do prefer having real grass, we can install a sprinkler system to help you save big on your energy usage and water bills.


The Busy Bee

You and your spouse have little time to breathe, never mind taking care of your lawn. And when you’re busy juggling work, the kids, and your recreational activities, your grass can end up looking like one big dirt patch come summer. That’s where we can help take care of it for you. With our instant grassification system, you can save goodbye to your dead, lifeless yard and hello to a lush green lawn that the whole family can enjoy!


The Impaired

It can also be challenging for people with disabilities or mobility issues to maintain the garden and lawn. They may not have the ability to mow, water and garden, even if they’d like to. We can help those who can’t maintain their lawn by installing artificial turf that will look great year-round without homeowners needing to lift a finger.


The Pet Lover

You want to have a lovely looking lawn but you also want to keep your pets safe from dangerous pesticides and fertilizers. That’s where instant grassification can come into play. Artificial turf looks just like natural grass and it’s great for your pets to play on because it doesn’t require any chemicals to keep it looking healthy. You also won’t have to worry about those dead patches that are often caused by your pet. It will look fresh and new, even years down the road. Plus, now you can take your dog on walks to the forest to explore new territory instead of just letting them go in the backyard.


In reality, everyone can benefit from instant grassification. No matter your reasons or budget, we have an option available for you. Contact us today at Instant Lawns to learn more about our sodding, re-sodding, artificial turf and inground sprinkler systems.